Little Karla
Design: Anne Ventzel
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Beige version:
A:100 (150) 200 (200) 250 (250) g Isager Soft col E6s
A: 50 (50) 50 (50) 75 (75) g Isager Silk Mohair col 0
– the two are held together
B: 50 (50) 50 (50) 50 (100) g Isager Soft col 28
B: 25 (25) 25 (25) 25 (25) g Isager Silk Mohair col 65
– the two are held together
Brown version:
A: 100 (150) 200 (200) 250 (250) g Isager Soft col E7s
A: 50 (50) 75 (75) 100 (100) g Isager Silk Mohair col 6
– the two are held together
B: 50 (50) 50 (50) 50 (100) g Isager Soft col 37
B: 25 (25) 25 (25) 25 (25) g Isager Silk Mohair col 16
– the two are held together
5 (6) 6 (7) 6 (7) Duffelcoat buttons – the ones used here are 3 (3) 3,5 (3,5) 4 (4) cm long
Chest circumference: 68 (75) 83 (83) 90 (98) cm
Length: 32 (35) 42 (45) 47 (50) cm
Arm length: 25 (29) 33 (37) 41 (45) cm
Anne says about the design:
LITTLE KARLA is my contribution to the joint collection LITTLE ISAGER ARCHIVES. Inspiration is found in Åse Lund Jensen’s knitting patterns from the 50s and 60s. The specific knitting pattern I have taken as a starting point is Brikker, a cape with a matching hat. At first glance, I was attracted by the graphic pattern in a slipped stitch pattern, which I have chosen to reinterpret here. Initially, I developed the pattern KARLA CAPE for adults, which came out in March 2024 as part of the ISAGER ARCHIVES collection. Now, it is also available for children as a more classic cardigan.
The slipped stitch pattern is a simple technique that lets you knit a two-color pattern using only one color at a time. This means the knitting might appear as stranded colorwork but is worked with only one color at a time. As a result, this method is beginner-friendly and much easier to knit.
4,5 mm [US7] og 5 mm [US8] circular needles (40 og 80/120 cm)
4,5 mm [US7] og 5 mm [US8] double pointed needles
Two 5 mm [US8] circular needles are needed for Judy’s magic cast-on
16 sts x 26 rows in pattern on 5 mm [US8] size needles = 10 x 10 cm
Purchase the patttern HERE
I forbindelse med et strikkekursus i Tversted, hvor Helga Jona Thórunnardóttir og Helga Isager underviste i teknikker, brugt i Isager Archives-kollektionen, foreslog en sød kursist, om ikke kollektionen skulle udkomme i børnestørrelser. Idéen var oplagt og helt i Åse Lund Jensens ånd, da hun var kendt for sine elskede sweatre til børn, som ofte også fandtes i voksenstørrelse, så mor og barn kunne matche.
Heldigvis var næsten alle designere med på idéen med en børnekollektion, og vi er derfor glade for at kunne lancere Little Isager Archives fra 2. september. Nogle af modellerne vil være præcise børneversioner af originalerne, mens andre blot vil have genkendelige elementer. Kollektionen styles og fotograferes af vores dygtige team, og opskrifterne udkommer, som de plejer, på designernes egne platforme. Alle 10 designs er naturligvis strikket i Isagergarn, og størrelserne er fra 2 – 12 år.