Eat and knit
All the patterns are built around a fruit or a vegetable. The knitting designs are: Tomato, Beetroot, Apple, Cauliflower, Squash, Lemon, Red Chili.

’Eat & Knit’ is a book with knitting patterns by Marianne Isager and with food recipes from Camillo’s Kitchen.
The book is sold out – the patterns are available as single patterns.

RED BEET / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Tvinni col. 55
Isager Silk Mohair col. 36
Isager Alpaca 1 col. 36
APPLE / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Palet col. Autumn
Isager Silk Mohair col. 28
Isager Silk Mohair col. 59
Isager Silk Mohair col. 37
CAULIFLOWER / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Tweed col Sand
Isager Alpaca 1 col e0
SQUASH / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Spinni col 56s
Isager Spinni col 46
Isager Japansk Bomuld col 10
Isager Silk Mohair col 67
LEMON / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Trio 1, col Lemon
Isager Alpaca 1, col 40
RED CHILI / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Spinni col 17s
Isager Spinni col 28s
Isager Spinni col 32s
Isager Alpaca 1 col 17
Isager Alpaca 1 col 21
Isager Alpaca 1 col 36
Isager Spinni color 40s
TOMAT / Design: Marianne Isager
Isager Tvinni color 32s
Isager Alpaca 1 color 21
Isager Tweed color Paprika
Isager Alpaca 1 color 21