
Welts and Stockinette Stitch (REVERSIBLE)

Overview page 38:
Page 30-31: YARN: Isager Merilin in color 9 and Isager Spinni in color 11s.

Basic glove pattern

Page 46, Thumb:
Round 1: *K1, k2tog*. Repeat from * to * to end of round. For size M/L end with K2tog. There are now a total of 14 (15) sts on the needle.
Round 2: *Ktog*. Repeat from * to * to end of round. For size M/L end with k1. There are now a total of 7 (8) sts on the needle.
Rond 3: *K2tog*. Repeat from * to * to end of round. For size S/M end with K1.  There are now a total of 3 (4) sts on the needle


Page 58, 4th line:
sl1 wyib on RS, sl1 wyif on WS = slip 1 stitch purl-wise with the yarn held in back on the RS, slip 1 stitch purl-wise with the yarn held in front on the WS.

Striped Rhombus Pattern

Page 68:
From round 13 and till 21, uneven rounds must be knitted as follows:

Round 13: Knit 4 (5) sts, M1L, sssk, yarn over, p7, yarn over, k3tog, M1R, knit 5 (6) sts.
Round 14
Round 15: Knit 5 (6) sts, M1L, sssk, yarn over, p5, yarn over, k3tog, M1R, knit 6 (7) sts.
Round 16
Round 17: Knit 6 (7) sts, M1L, sssk, yarn over, p3, yarn over, k3tog, M1R, knit 7 (8) sts.
Round 18
Round 19: Knit 7 (8) sts, M1L, sssk, yarn over, p1, yarn over, k3tog, M1R, knit 8 (9) sts.
Round 20
Round 21: Knit 8 (9) sts, M1L, ssk, p1, k2tog, M1R, knit 9 (10) sts.
Round 22
Round 23: Knit 9 (10) sts, M1L, sk2p, M1R, knit 10 (11) sts.

The chart on page 69 is correct.