Ju Dou

The Film Collection by Marianne Isager has models inspired by Marianne’s favorite films. JO DOU is one of these films and is the inspiration for this new, colourful design.

Following colours are used in the model:
Tvinni col: 35s, 22, 64, 19, 28
Silk Mohair col: 49, 19, 64, 65

The original model is knitted in Tvinni and Silk Mohair. The model presents a lot of options for color mixing and using the leftovers one may have in their stash. An alternative for Tvinni is Highland which also fits the gauge.
If the many colors does not speak to you, we have also made a color proposal using grey tones.

For the grey version the following colours are used:
Tvinni col: 2s, 3s, 4s, 60, 8s
Silk Mohair: 2s, 3s, 47, 60

Marianne writes about the film JU DOU:
“The film takes place in Old China, in a dye shop that dyes long webs of fabric in red and yellow nuances. The pictures are amazing, and the main character, played by Gong Li, I have enjoyed in many films. In the film she is married to the old Dye Master who is both violent and cross. The Dye Master’s nephew takes work in the dye shop and falls in love with the beautiful woman. They end up having an erotic, secret and very intense relationship, resulting in a child that the old Dye Master of course believes is his. The film is filled with passion, drama and violent events which, in a way, is in complete contrast to the light, colourful sweater that came out of my inspiration from the film, but life is not black and white, and the film is so colourful and beautiful that I had to use the whole palette.”

Sonata Eidikiene has illustrated Marianne Isager’s Film Collection. She is the owner of the yarn shop Mezgimo Zona in Vilnius, Lithuania. You can find more of Sonata Eidikiene’s artwork on her Instagram (@sonataeidikiene).