Current version: 6 (US 6)
If you have the pattern in version 1 – 3 (see the last page of the pattern), write to and receive an updated version. Do you have version 3 see corrections below:
500 (550, 600, 650) g Isager Jensen Yarn, Color 6s or 101
150 (200, 200, 200) g Isager Alpaca 1, Color Eco 7s or 100
One strand of each yarn is held together throughout the knitting.
500 (550) 600 (650) g Isager Highland – with 2 strands held
Page 7
After working a raglan decrease round and when there are 140 stitches on the needle, work to 11 stitches of the center Front and slip them to a stitch holder. After working the raglan decreases 28 (31, 34, 37) times, there are now 142 (146, 146, 142) stitches on the needle. Break the yarn. Slip stitches to reach the 11 stitches at the center Front and slip these 11 stitches to a stitch holder.
The Front neckline will be shaped using short rows. Since there are many ways to work short rows, choose your preferred method. German short row technique will be described using TURN to indicate the turning point of the round. Continue to work raglan shaping decreases on RS while working neckline shaping with short rows as follows: With a new strand of yarn begin after the 11 center stitches on a holder and work across the round while decreasing the raglan stitches until reaching 3 (4, 4, 5) stitches before the center 11 stitches on a holder, work across in established pattern to the center Front, TURN, work in pattern with WS facing to toward the other side of the center Front until reaching 3 (4, 4, 5) stitches before the center stitches on the holder, TURN, work in pattern with RS facing to 3 (4, 4, 5) stitches before last turned stitch (include the turned stitch in the stitch count), TURN, work in pattern with WS facing to 3 (4, 4, 5) stitches before last turned stitch, TURN.