Current version: 3 (US 3)
Page 6
250 (300, 350) g Isager Jensen Yarn, Color 6s = A (Background color)
100 (150, 150) g Isager Alpaca 1, Color 7s = A (Background color)
2 x 100 g Isager Merilin, Color 9s and 59s. These two colors are used randomly for B.
50 g Isager Merilin, Color 10s = C
50 g Isager Merilin, Color 1s = D
Hold two strands of Merilin together while knitting.
Feel free to change the colors in the pattern with inspiration from the fabrics displayed by the Museum in Harare:
200 (250, 300) g Isager Alpaca 3, Color 30 as pattern color
50 g Isager Jensen Yarn in the following colors: 6s, 7s, 8s, 87, 93, 98 for the background colors.